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Guest Blogger: Phyllis Groundhog from April Fool, Phyllis on her world tour, written by Susanna Leonard Hill

AnNyungHaSayo or Hello from South Korea! I arrived on Thursday right on time to go with the family on an outing on this beautiful sunny and 70 degree weather. We went to the Olympic Park in Seoul, where the 1988 summer Olympics were held.

This is Anna, a 4th grader, and Isaac, a 1st grader. Can you spot the American flag?
This is the Olympic torch
flame that never runs out.
My relaxing ride through the park.
A breathtaking view! I wish I could jump in. Do groundhogs swim?
I learned all about taekwondo from this dude, Isaac. Watch out, Susanna, for my new moves!
I felt like royalty as I visited Gyeongbokgung Palace. This was built in 1355 during the Joseon Dynasty.
Just as we arrived, there was a Changing of the Guard ceremony. By the way, you can call me, Princess Phyllis. However, the Korean language doesn’t have an /f/ sound. I’ll be Princess Pillis here.
This is scary guard #1.
I’m glad I’m on the other
side of him. Just look at
that dragon! Yikes!
This is scary guard #2.
Maybe I should get a
hat like that.
Here are all the scary guards
marching with a drum
and some kind of horn.
After an hour at the palace,
we went to my favorite place,
the Seoul Zoo!
I was so excited to see my
relatives. However, they
only speak Korean.
AnNyung! (hi)
We ended the LONG day at
a Korean BBQ. The smell of
kalbi, shorts ribs marinated
in a sweet sauce, smelled
delicious. I just needed to
stay away from the spicy,
red kimchi. (cabbage)
As you can see, this table is just
my size. Traditional Koreans sit
on the floor, as the heating system
is in the floor.

I’ve had a busy time. The rest of the weekend is rainy and cold, low 50s. I guess I’ll be staying in. If you want to read Tina’s book review of me, click here to go to her educational blog. I need to rest now for my long trip back to the states.

My critique partner Ev Christensen started a new ezine called Writing for Children’s Magazines. If you’re interested in writing children’s stories for children’s magazines, please check out this ezine. Ev lists magazines’ links plus their submission guidelines. Each month one magazine will be highlighted with an overview of the magazine.

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