You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2013.

Sorry I’ve been MIA again, but freelance writing deadlines demand my time and attention as of late! But I do have a blog post for you, just not here. I’m a guest blogger at the fabulous Donna L. Martin’s Writerly Wisdom series. Today I share how to write a nonfiction proposal–that is, what works for me. (I just thought–because of my nonfiction proposals landing contracts, that’s one of the reasons why I haven’t blogged!)  So head on over, when you have the chance!

Donna L. Martin’s On the Write Track Blog

Oh, and Donna shares that we have taekwondo in common. My children both take it every week day for 1 hour here in Korea. I’m the proud mommy because my daughter received a medal for her red/black combination belt or 1st “poomse.”




Notice the rattle on her arm.

Notice the rattle on her arm.

When I taught early elementary grades, I loved collecting stuffed animals and anything that had to do with an author’s picture books. I still have a Very Hungry Caterpillar baby rattle that served a dual purpose–for my baby but also to bring to my kindergarten class when we read the famous book.

However, NOW, anyone can make their own fabric characters to go along with their picture books. I just discovered this on two blogs today. First, are you familiar with Joyce Wan’s bright, colorful, and simple illustrations? She has taken her adorable cupcake character and made her own fabric using a site called Spoonflower. Check out her pillows to go with her books here. And then check out her fabric which she designed here.

Second, the U.K. publisher, Nosy Crow, has a new picture book titled Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam. Look at how illustrator Steven Lenton is marketing his book! Incredible! He, too, designed his own fabric and made those adorable gift cushions to go with the book. Awesome marketing! I love the flyers, too.


Paul Zelinsky wearing his picture book fabric shirt.

A writing friend just alerted me to illustrator Paul O. Zelinsky’s Spoonflower page here. You can see his fabric for his popular picture book Z is for Moose. He has a shirt made from his fabric of characters.

So I’m making mental notes of these neat things for someday when I have a cute character in a book. Plus, I have a mom who sews!! In the meantime, I enjoyed browsing at Spoonflower. You can design your own fabric, wallpaper,  decals, and gift wrap. I even saw Lego fabric. My son would love that.

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